
Lists –> List
This function defines the text file to download or to saving data.
1. By the method ‚drag and drop’ move the file from the left menu to the lower menu (next to the monster IntelliSearch).

2. Right-click on the icon and then select the ‚Edit’.
3. By ticking ‚Load from file’ you can read data from the list. By ticking ‚Save change list to file’ you can save data to the file. Option ‚Leave empty file’ after removing all data from the file will leave empty file on he hard drive. Normally after removing content file is removing as well.
4. Define separator data in file. You can select text mode or regex mode.
5. Write text file path.
6. After closing the edition window everything will be reloaded and if in the defined file is data, that data will be loaded and you can see that after re-selecting ‚Edit’.
List processing –> Add line
Adding the new line in the text file. If this function should words proper you need to tick in ‚List’ ‚Save change list to file’.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. From the menu you should select the list, where would you like to add the line.
3. Select ‚Add line’ from the list.
4. Write the value, which would you like to add to the list.
5. Define the place to add the line.
— ‚Rewind’.
— ‚To the end’.
— ‚Specify number’ – define saving path. Remember, when you will fill the field for example with ‚2’, value will be add to the third row.
List processing –> Add data from list
Saving data from one list to another. By the process ‚Add data from list’ data from another list is added (not overwritten) to specified list.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, to which would you like to add data from another list.
3. Select ‚Add data from list’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Select the list from the drop-down menu, from which all data will be loaded to save in the first list.
5. Specify the place to add data –
List processing –> Get rows count
This function adds sum of all rows from defined list to variable.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, in which would you like to summed number of rows.
3. Select ‚Get rows count’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Create and save value to variable.
List processing –> Delete lines
Delete rows from the list by specific criteria.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, in which would you like to delete rows.
3. Select ‚Delete lines’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Deleting criteria:
— ‚First’.
— ‚Specify number’.
— ‚Specify value’.
— ‚Remove all elements’.
— ‚Remove elements that contain any text’ – For example if loaded list has got only url addresses, defining value ‚.pl’ (without quotation) will remove from the list every domains with extension ‚.pl’.
— ‚Remove elements that don’t contain any text’– For example if loaded list has got only url addresses, defining value ‚.pl’ (without quotation) will leave only domains with extension ‚.pl.’ (sometimes there can be exceptions like for example
— ‚Remove elements by regular expression’.
List processing –> Get line
Getting one line from the list is one of the most usable function in Zennoposter.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, from which would you like to load the row.
3. Select ‚Get line’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Criteria:
— ‚First’
— ‚Random’
— ‚Specify value’. In this case there is no possibility of use the range of reading, only one line of data will be loaded.
— ‚Delete line after take’
5. Create and save to variable.
List processing –> Merge list items
Merge items from the list. It is the possibility to change data separator and load all list to variable.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, which would you like to load.
3. Select ‚Merge list items’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Criteria:
— ‚Specified in list’ – leaving a separator, which is already in the original list.
— ‚New line’
— ‚Own’
5. Create and save to variable.
List processing –> Remove duplicate
Removing duplicate rows from the list.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, in which would you like to delete duplicates.
3. Select ‚Remove duplicate’ from the drop-down menu.
List processing –> Select sublist
Move or copy data(both globally and fractionally) from one list to another.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, from which would you like to load data.
3. Select ‚Select sublist’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Select the list from the drop-down menu, to which would you like to save data.
5. Define the range of moving/coping rows.
6. By ticking this option you will remove loaded rows from the list from the point 2.
List processing –> Schuffle elements of list
This function shuffles elements of list. This is useful if you bought the public list to add.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, in which would you like to shuffle data.
3. Select ‚Shuffle elements of list’ from the drop-down menu.
List processing –> Sort
This function sort data in list by ascending or descending mode.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, in which would you like to sort data.
3. Select ‚Sort’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Select sort mode:
— ‚Ascending’
— ‚Descending’
List processing –> Save to file
Saving (integrally) data from list to the file.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu, from which would you like to load data.
3. Select ‚Save to file’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Select separating mode:
— ‚Specified in list’
— ‚New line’
— ‚Own’
5. Define saving path and file name.
6. By ticking this option saving (in case, when saving will be to already existing file) will add values at the end.
List processing –> Bind to the file
This option will use dynamic file path to list, so this function can bind multiple text files to one list in one project.
1. Start with list editing.
2. Define configuration.
3. Field of file path you should leave empty.
Now you need to do this in right order:
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select the list from the drop-down menu.
3. Select ‚Bind to the file’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Insert file location by using variable, which in every processes will bind another file.
If you would like to better understand this process check out our template.
List processing –> Add text
This function adding texts to the list. Added text can have more than one row.
1. Select ‚List processing’ from the left menu.
2. Select list from the drop-down menu, to which would you like to add the text.
3. Select ‚Add text’ from the drop-down menu.
4. Insert the text to add. Text can consist of multiple lines.
5. Define the place to add the text.
— ‚Rewind’
— ‚To the end’
— ‚Specify number’. If you will write 2 and your text will have 3 rows, text will be added in the place of the third, fourth and fifth row.
6. By ticking this option you will stop adding empty rows.